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Rock Her World Page 8
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Page 8
“Oh God, I’m coming…” her body trembled, as though someone had attached electrodes to her skin, shot her with a low voltage.
He was beating his pole harder, wondering if she meant this to be it, the conclusion to their call, but she was crying out, “no, honey… not yet… don’t come… I need longer with you…”
She calmed down a little, and brought the vibrator up to her mouth so she could lick its rounded head. It wasn’t exactly a realistic dildo, but the way she licked it made him perk up. It looked enough like her licking some other guy’s cock.
“You like that?” she grinned, licking it some more just for effect.
He smiled, and for a moment held up his hard cock for her to see better.
“Where did you get it?” He asked her.
“Oh, online. You can shop very discreetly nowadays,” she smiled, sliding the thing over her pussy, switching it on so he could hear it humming quietly. “Uh…” she moaned, “I just wish it was your cock… sliding into my wet pussy…”
He said, “You know, you don’t need to use a vibrator to get through the tour.”
“No… uh… uh…” she cried, the vibrator doing quick work.
“You know what we talked about,” he said, feeling the need to steer things, since she wasn’t.
“I know… honey…” she said, panting a little. “It’s just… now I’m out here… it seems so strange…”
“You know… being away from you… and thinking maybe I could actually… you know… see someone else…” she moaned again, long and loud. The vibrator was a shortcut to another climax. “Oh God I’m coming…” She panted a little more and then… switched off the vibrator.
Hot, but… somehow… missing something.
“Fuck!” she giggled, dropping the vibrator. She continued gently touching herself a little as she recovered her breath.
“That did feel good,” she beamed.
Then she paused, looked at his soft cock—which he wasn’t exactly doing much to conceal from her.
“Wait, did you come, honey?” she asked him.
He felt so weird. It had been hot watching his wife strip, watching her touching herself, watching her make herself come. But they’d come to the end of the road and here it was.
“Uh… I didn’t…” he admitted, then added, “Tired, I guess.”
Was this vibrator really going to keep her honest on the whole tour? It seemed simpler, and at least part of him felt it was probably a good idea, and ultimately better for their marriage. But if he thought about it, that was the lazy part of him, the part that didn’t want to put in any effort, that would be happy with sitting back and letting Kat handle the hard work of staying away from temptation so that they would never face whether they could cope with her infidelity.
But there was another part of him—what felt like a big part of him—that wanted to take risks. That part of him wanted to roll the dice and see how much fun they could have if… that part was disappointed.
“Josie already has a new boyfriend,” she said, still gently touching herself. “The lead singer from one of our supporting bands.”
“Uh-huh?” Julian said.
“Yeah,” Kat giggled. “And George only lives two hours away. I guess they really do like it that way.”
“Has George… been around?” he asked her.
“Uh… yeah, I guess. He brought us lunch today.”
“So he knows about her new boyfriend?”
Kat nodded. “Yeah, Josie tells him everything. And when he was here today… the way he looks at her…”
“He loves her, right?”
“He adores her. He worships her.”
Julian felt tired, felt like they would probably wrap up the call very soon, and it would end on some kind of a disappointed note. He’d then have to go take care of himself, because even if he was currently soft, he still felt the tension of an unrealized orgasm.
He casually said, “And there’s no one you like the look of in your support bands?”
She shrugged, and sitting up in front of the camera, he saw her blush. “I don’t know…” she said. “They’re all nice guys…”
“Have you seen much of them so far?” he asked her, feeling a little tickle in his loins at just how Kat had blushed at his question.
“Only a little,” she said, pulling her kimono closed. Acting all self-conscious. It only intrigued him more. “We’ve all been rehearsing in the same building… so we kind of run into each other between songs, you know. Lunch time.”
“You seen them play?”
She smiled, “Sure. I mean, I’ve seen them before. One of the bands toured with us once before… the other… well, they’re too young, weren’t around back then… but I’ve seen them on the Internet.”
“You get to watch them rehearse?”
“A little. I snuck in to see one of them for ten minutes today.”
“The older band or the younger band?”
“The younger band.”
“You like them? Maybe one of them in particular?”
It was like some kind of inquisition, but she was blushing, and it made him certain she did, perhaps, like someone from one of the other bands.
She’d been looking away, avoiding seeing him as he questioned her, but now her gaze returned to her screen, and he heard her catch her breath. She said, “I thought you were tired, honey?”
He was gently jacking his cock again—and he was hard, hard as a rock. “I thought so too,” he said. Then he pushed further, “I’m right, aren’t I? There’s someone you like. Already.”
Her blush intensified a little, and she shifted awkwardly in her chair—but as she watched that stiff cock in his hands, one of her eyebrows rose slightly, and there was a glint in her eyes.
Cautiously, she said, “They’re all kinda cute… but today… I guess I ran into their drummer in the hallway and… well, spilled my drink all over his t-shirt… and he was so nice about it…just took off his t-shirt…”
“What’s his name?” Julian asked, continuing to tug on his shaft right where she could see it.
“Uh… Daryl,” she said. He saw one of her arms drop between her legs, one of her hands sink between her thighs, though he couldn’t see what she was doing with it. “When I went to see them play, he gave me a little wave…”
“You think he’s hot?”
For a moment, Kat seemed lost in a world of her own—watching her husband’s huge cock throbbing in his hands, harder than ever. Touching herself again while she watched him.
“Uh… yeah… I guess…” she said, dazed.
“You should talk to him some more,” Julian said. “Maybe see if he’d fancy dinner one evening…”
“You’re so hard, honey,” she said in little more than an awed whisper.
“You saw him taking off his t-shirt?” he asked her.
“When you spilled drink all over him.”
“Uh… yeah…”
“You liked it when he took his t-shirt off?” he asked.
“Uh… yeah…” she seemed to snap out of it just then. Asked, “Are you gonna… come… honey?”
“I’m close,” he said.
A touch bewildered, she said, “It turns you on that… maybe… I have the tiniest little crush on one of the guys in one of the other bands?”
“Of course. Haven’t we already talked about this kind of thing?” he joked.
“And you want me to… have dinner with the guy?” she seemed almost nervous, frightened.
“Only if you wanted to,” he said. “Maybe you guys would… you know… have fun.”
“And it really wouldn’t make you feel bad… jealous… if I had dinner with the guy?”
“No, honey,” Julian said a touch firmly. “And if you wanted to go back to your room with him… or to his room… you know… for a drink or two…”
She gave a nervous smile. “I hardly know him very well.”
“That’s okay. You have time to kill, right? In the evenings?”
“Uh-huh.” She was transfixed to his enormous erection. He kind of liked it.
“I’m only saying, honey,” he said. “You might have some fun.”
“Yes,” she said. “I guess I might.”
And with that, he came. Kat seemed surprised, but happy her husband had come too, at last.
“You know,” she said after a few moments, “it’s all… a little strange… you know, knowing that you’re happy for me to… well… do whatever I like.”
“Strange for me, too, honey,” Julian smiled as he wiped himself off. “But I guess everything’s going to be a little strange since I’m married to a rock goddess.”
Chapter Eight
Kat felt a little strange the next day. Rehearsals went fine—better than fine, actually—the girls were impressed and she felt pretty good… except… kind of… giddy.
To start the day, she felt that lingering glow she always did after having satisfying sex the night before. It amused her no end, because she’d really never felt that way after mere masturbation. There was definitely something more to it when Julian was involved. Part of her pleasure had been in seeing him turned on—and when he had eventually come, and he’d been so hard for her… well, that was very satisfying, beyond simply enjoying her own self-induced orgasms.
But the last part of her call to her husband the previous night had stayed with her all night and into the next morning. She couldn’t stop thinking about it. How stunning his cock had looked, all bulging and throbbing like she swore she’d never really seen it before.
And was all that really from the thought of her flirting with another man? It seemed crazy.
More than anything said in conversation, though, seeing him like that had made her feel deep inside that Julian wasn’t simply trying to be nice to her in telling her she was free to fool around on tour. He wasn’t just being a pragmatist facing the realities of a long-distance relationship. It seemed to really turn him on. Initially, it had even shocked her, despite what they’d talked about so much before she’d flown out to LA.
He really did want her to be unfaithful, it seemed.
And that thought, that knowledge, led to her feeling like this.
Giddy. Light-headed. Walking on air.
And it really flared up when they walked into the rehearsal building down on North Colorado Drive, and they all walked past the open door to see Blue Tonic already rehearsing. Those boys got going early. They all walked past the door and as Kat walked by, she instantly caught sight of Daryl on the drums, and her heart just about felt like busting out of her chest.
“You are on fire, girl!” Josie exclaimed as they wrapped up Cloaking Myself In You, during which Kat completely nailed her guitar solo. “Did you go out and get laid last night?”
Kat laughed, “Almost. FaceTime with hubby.”
Josie had raised her eyebrows at that. “Wow,” she said. “Well… maybe you will be all right on this tour… you know… without a little strange.”
Kat had shrugged at that, but had just picked up her guitar to get ready for the next track on their list. She’d felt the eyes of the rest of the band taking her in, Renee and Alyssa wondering what Josie was referring to. As wild as things had been back in the day, she just hadn’t talked about the issue of sex on tour with anyone but Josie. Not yet. She didn’t even know where Renee or Alyssa stood on the subject of their own monogamy with husbands back home.
Then during their break, she’d run into Daryl again in the hallway.
“Hey,” he’d said, stepping out of the way so that she could get past.
“Hey,” she’d smiled, feeling her insides melting like butter on a hot stove. “How’s it going?”
He’d smiled, and she felt like swooning for the first time in a long time. “Pretty good,” he said, “but then… we haven’t taken a ten-year break. How’s it going for you guys?”
She leaned casually against the wall, trying not to think about the fact that she could smell a gentle hint of his sweat along with a suggestion of some cologne or other from a while ago. Trying not to glance down to see whether there were any signs of a decent bulge in his black jeans.
“You know, it’s like we were never away,” she said. “Everything’s just picking up just where we left it.”
“That’s terrific,” he nodded, and she saw how incredibly blue his eyes were. “I can’t wait to come hear you guys.”
“Any time,” she grinned. “You know where we are.”
A little sigh. “Our manager has us working nonstop right now.”
“You don’t need it, you sound amazing.”
“David’s… a little paranoid. We never did a tour like this before—not such large venues. I think he thinks this could be our big break, and if we fluff it—”
“You won’t fluff it.”
“Well… next time I have a break, I’ll drop by,” he promised.
“I’ll look forward to it.”
She stepped past him, and his scent wafted into her chest, and she had to actively remember to keep walking, putting one foot in front of the other. Wow. She was going to have to change her underwear—and it wasn’t even the fact that she’d been playing guitar.
On the way back to their rehearsal room, she Googled Daryl on her phone. 28 years old, five years younger. That wasn’t so bad, was it?
Then she checked herself—my God, was she really Googling a possible fuck buddy? This was getting bizarre. And potentially serious.
Fuck buddy. The word didn’t seem right. It wasn’t that she wasn’t thinking about fucking him—of course she was. Couldn’t get it out of her head now that she felt confident that Julian would be supportive, even appreciative. It was just that to her, the term fuck buddy seemed to mean some guy you just kind of fucked occasionally, if you didn’t have someone better, some guy who didn’t really light your world on fire, but fulfilled a need when you were desperate. She’d had guys like that in college; she’d had guys like that on tour before.
This was a crush, damn it. Felt like every molecule in her body was crying out for him—and she’d only just met him. Would Julian be as supportive if he knew she felt this way about Daryl? He hadn’t said anything about who she could, or could not, sleep with. Or how involved she could be. Just that she was free.
When Kat got back, Josie was hanging out with the lead singer of Blue Tonic—Billy Madden —and didn’t seem to care if anyone saw her leaning in to kiss his lips. Everyone knew that George let her do it. The girls knew that George liked her doing it, too. Odd to think that Julian might be like that, too.
“He’s perfect for you,” Josie said as Kat walked around her trying not to react to her and her new boyfriend.
“Your beautiful drummer boy. Daryl.” Kat turned sharply as their lead singer seemed to read her mind.
“What?” Josie laughed, “Renee just said you were talking with him in the hallway.”
Kat shrugged. “He’s friendly enough.”
“You two look good together.”
She’d given her bandmate an eye roll at that, before taking her place to resume the rehearsal. But part of her was feeling jubilant that Josie approved of the potential match. What a weird sentiment that was.
It struck her why it all felt quite so strange about halfway through their rehearsal on the next song, Take It Away From Me. It was that she hadn’t felt this way since before Julian had come along. Since before anyone in college. The last time she’d had a crush like this, the last time she’d felt all giddy and light-headed about a guy had been way back in high school, for crying out loud.
She felt like a goddamn schoolgirl again.
The more she thought about it, the more she realized it was true. She’d had crushes on guys at school all the time, and then a really huge one on Chris Montgomery, who had actually become her first proper boyfriend. It had taken ages for her to get up the nerve just to go up a
nd talk to him, and then almost the moment she did, and he figured she might be into him, he had asked her out.
Despite the horror stories about losing your virginity, when she’d finally gone all the way with Chris, it had just about blown her mind. Her crush had fueled her desire for him, and then when he actually touched her, when she saw how hard she made him, and when he had entered her, it had all spiraled into one almighty atom bomb of an orgasm.
And this crush that she had on Daryl felt just like that one had.
Now that she thought about it, she really hadn’t had a proper crush since high school, either. In college, in the band… she’d vaguely fancied someone, and had been able to get them if she wanted. Julian… well, he had been the nearest it came to a crush since high school. She’d always felt strongly about him, but if she was honest, never quite like this.
She’d been with Julian so long, maybe sleeping with another man would actually be like losing her virginity all over again. Intense. Atomic.
Later, virtually at the end of the day, they were wading through the Garbage-like track Run Around on You, and Kat was really getting into it. She glanced up to see Daryl standing there at the back, arms folded, quietly nodding his head to the beat as though he thought it was the coolest thing since Nirvana.
Well, if Kat got horny when she played the guitar, and got even more horny when she played in public, on stage or wherever… playing in front of Daryl made her just about come right there behind her mic stand.
She had to try to keep her eyes away from him while she played for fear of tripping up on some of the more intricate parts—though she couldn’t stop from glancing over again and again, just to see if he was still there. He caught her gaze a few times and smiled, and she felt her pussy tingle in response.
At the end of the song, Daryl was applauding, but after she gave him a playful bow, he frowned and pointed to his watch, then gave the palms-up universal signal of exasperation or what-can-you-do? She nodded and smiled, and he had to scamper off.