Rock Her World Page 6
Julian knew most of this already. They’d gone to one of the most prestigious schools for music in the country and left it playing rock music for the masses. Josie was the most ambitious. Taking her talent and insight of music theory, she studied contemporary music. Their sound was manufactured, in theory, to be popular. It sort of worked, but never carried them into the upper echelons of the music world.
“Anyway, we were pretty popular in New York City, so we made a run of it.”
“And lived the rockstar life, until you eventually broke up.”
“You know why we broke up?”
Julian shook his head. “You never told me.”
“Chicago…” Kat said to herself, then shivered. “Things got…out of hand in Chicago. I actually quit. I couldn’t do it anymore. I looked at myself and didn’t recognize the woman staring back at me.”
“What happened?” Julian asked, his heart thumping.
“You asked about the wildest sex I’ve ever had. That happened.”
“But what happened?” Julian asked, his frustration rising.
“It was Josie who brought them back to our hotel room. Oblivion, the band we were starting for. The whole band was there. Six guys. All young. All super hot, in that rocker way.”
“Who else was there? Just you and Josie?”
“Oh, no. All the girls were there. We were all partying pretty hard. Drinking, smoking… other stuff—”
Kat blushed. “Some of that, yeah.”
“This is why I never told you—”
“No. I’m sorry. Go on.”
Kat took a deep breath. “One thing led to another and all of a sudden, everyone was naked. We were so out of it, I barely remember the details, but…”
“But you remember some.”
“Some, yeah.” She was back there, far away. “I remember it being rough, and…begging for more. I remember taking on…” She shuddered. “Three guys at once.”
Julian’s eyes flew wide. “Three? How?”
She looked at him, her eyes dark, searching. “You know, one in each hole.”
He gulped, imagining that. Imagining his sweet wife getting double penetrated, a man in her pussy, another in her ass, as she gagged on the third’s cock.
“No way.”
“I know, right? And…and I loved it. I didn’t want it to end. I think I cried when it did, it was so intense. But in the morning, sober…” She shook her head.
Julian released his own breath. He shouldn’t have been so turned on by what a slut she had been, but his cock was hard as steel, despite the sex.
“You didn’t like what you’d become,” he said. She nodded. “And you’re afraid of what you may become now, if you had the freedom to play.”
“So instead, you’re just going to deny everything.”
“Pretty much.”
“You think it’s going to work?”
Kat sighed. “It needs to.”
“It doesn’t have to be all or nothing,” Julian said. He took her hand and led it down to his cock. She found him hard, looking up at him in surprise. “How about we just play it by ear, okay?”
“I might be a trained musician, but I don’t have perfect pitch. You know I don’t play things by ear, right?” She laughed, although it sounded reluctant. “What do you mean, exactly?”
“Well, you’ll be gone a while.”
“Just a month, probably.”
“Unless the tour’s a real success, right?” Julian smiled. “So… if you find that you need to satisfy certain needs—needs you can’t take care of yourself—then you have my permission to take care of that.”
“But I won’t need that.”
“Okay,” he said, kissing her. Not believing her. Neither of them really did. “But if you do, then go for it.”
He rolled her onto her back, took his cock, and slid it home. “All I ask is that you tell me about it. Be honest with me, okay?”
“Always.” She was so wet.
“Doesn’t need to be at the time. But I need to know after, okay? The truth. No more holding back.”
“The truth.”
Julian grinned. “And if you’ve got pictures, that’s even better.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” Kat laughed.
They rutted, working up a sweat. She wrapped her legs around his back, digging her heels into him. For a moment, he thought she was lost in memory. Then, as her orgasm built, she said, “You really like the idea of me with other men?”
“Other men. Other women—”
“Men,” she said, but the closeness of her orgasm stole the bite from it. She clawed down his back, saying, “Maybe that’s how I’ll satisfy any urges. Renee always did like women just about as much as men.”
Julian thought of the spunky, freckled blonde keyboardist—so cute and sweet that he never would have suspected a thing had he not heard the stories—going down on Kat.
“Really? You and her—”
“It was Alyssa and Renee more often than not, but there may have been a drunken night or two.”
“Oh, fuck, Kat…”
“I’m going to have to shave, though,” Kat said, her teasing driving Julian past the point of no return. “Renee prefers it bald. Says she does her best work with a blank canvas.”
“Uh, fuck!” He unleashed himself, unable to hold himself any longer as the image of Kat with Renee buried itself deeper in his head. The thought must have hit Kat just as hard, because a moment later, she joined him.
Cuddling once again, this time completely spent, Julian said, “That really happen?”
“Are you asking me if I played with girls, while in the band?”
His heart skipped. “Did you?”
“Not very often, and usually, there were guys there and we were all pretty out of it. But… yeah. I did.”
“Well, if that does happen on the road, I’d like to hear about that, too.”
Kat laughed. “Of course you would.” She kissed him. “Deal. Now let me sleep. I’m so tired.”
Chapter Six
When it was actually happening, Kat could hardly believe it. It took a while to get everything confirmed. It wasn’t until the end of October that everything got set up, and they were due to start touring in December—she had hardly any time to prepare. But, prepare she did.
The thing was, this wasn’t just about being good. It was about meeting all the expectations. And the last time the fans had seen the Ponytails, on tour or anywhere else, they’d all been ten years younger. Kat worked hard at the gym, and played hard back home, and while she was pushing herself beyond her comfort zone, she constantly had the image in her head of a Kat in her mid-twenties.
By December, though, she was pleasantly surprised how her hard work had paid off. She could look at herself in the mirror and there were no longer those awkward angles from which she’d rather not see herself. She could strip down and turn this way and that in front of the mirror, and everything was where it should have been.
“Jesus, you look amazing,” Julian had said on the final night before everyone was due to fly back out to LA for the first leg of the comeback tour.
“Thank you,” she said, almost smug. There wasn’t much room for modesty here.
Julian was lying on the bed watching her trying on outfits for the tour. She didn’t usually let him watch her trying on clothes, but these days she was so full of confidence, she found she enjoyed showing off for him. And the outfits that Josie had decided on for the tour… well, they made her feel super naughty, and that made it super fun to try them on in front of hubby.
There were the leather pants that were so tight that they looked painted on. There were the tiny little skirts that covered almost nothing. The spandex leggings that made her look like some kind of adult superhero.
There were the tiny PVC dresses that pushed up her cleavage so much it looked like a buoyancy aid, while leaving so much thigh
uncovered she thought fans in the front row would be able to see her underwear.
Of course, the show was partly for Julian’s benefit, too. He wouldn’t get to see the shows—he would be home, working. He didn’t get to take time off, not with all those household bills to be paid now that Kat was taking time off for the tour, and the tour money wouldn’t start coming in for a while with all those overheads to be paid.
She liked how he watched her, the little gasps he tried to stifle, the way his eyes widened when she presented herself to him in all manner of sexy outfits.
“And it’s not just going to be you wearing this kind of thing on stage?” he asked her at one point.
“No… all of us. Well, similar.”
“You guys never used to be quite so… raunchy.”
She smiled. Raunchy. She liked that. “No… but we’re reinventing ourselves, right?”
Julian had pulled himself off the bed while she was peeling off another dress, and when she turned away from the mirror, naked once again, he was right there and his hands were all over her.
“Reinventing yourselves as what?” he asked her, pulling her naked body to his clothed frame, kissing her mouth deeply.
“Most of our fans are older now,” she said, breaking away from his kiss, but draping her arm around his shoulders to keep him there—she was done with the fashion show. She was facing long weeks away from him, she needed every moment she could get.
“So, they’ve all turned into horn dogs?” he smiled.
“No, but they’ve got slightly different tastes now.”
She moaned as his hand found its way between her thighs, stroking her there, his fingers quickly finding their way to exactly where she wanted them, coating themselves in her slick juices.
“It was never so much about what you were wearing,” he said. “Or… I suppose… not wearing…”
She grinned. “You love it. You love every outfit.”
“Only wish I could be there to see them on stage.”
“You can. Backstage passes whenever you want them.”
“Maybe, maybe.”
She leaned back against the dresser, and Julian crouched as he kissed his way down her chest, taking her stiff nipples into his mouth.
“Music acts have to reinvent themselves to stay fresh,” Kat said. “Especially if they’re women.”
“No,” he said, kissing underneath her breasts, breathing in her scent as though it made him high. She knew she’d spent an afternoon practicing guitar, she knew how sweaty it had made her. And yet, she didn’t stop him. Couldn’t stop him. Her body was crying out for his attention.
“You have fans,” he insisted. “They adore you no matter what you look like.”
Kat giggled as he held her hips and kissed over her stomach, tickling her almost to the point that she wanted him to stop. She didn’t, though. She could sense his hunger, sense his desire. She could tell how wound up he’d become from lying there watching her stripping off and trying on outfit after outfit. She liked him like that.
“Josie says we need to attract new fans if the tour’s going to be a success. New fans only know us as a bunch of middle-aged housewives…”
“Thirty-something is not middle-aged,” Julian laughed, his chin now brushing the top of her little patch of dark brown pubic hair. “And none of you are really housewives…”
He picked something up from the dresser. Something that clinked as though made from metal. Kat looked down, and saw him wielding a pair of silver scissors.
“What are you doing?” she asked, but didn’t stop him. She kept her hands by her sides, clutching the edge of the dresser as he knelt in front of her, leaning in to kiss her mound. She felt the warmth of his breath on her sensitive sex as he stroked her pubis with his nose and his mouth, inhaling deeply as he kissed her there.
“You haven’t forgotten, have you?” he asked, smiling up at her.
She was too stunned to move. Too surprised to budge. She just stood there, naked, gripping the edge of the dresser as he trimmed the longer hairs from her bush with a pair of scissors designed to cut nails.
“Forgotten?” she said, as though his question had woken her from sleep.
“You said you were going to have to shave it,” he reminded her. “You said Renee prefers it that way…”
She seemed baffled, despite what they’d talked about so many times.
He said, “Somebody’s going to have to take care of you while you’re away, remember? We talked about this.”
She seemed to wake up, saw what he was doing. But still it surprised her.
“We’re… we’re really… doing that?” she asked him.
“Uh-huh,” he said. She couldn’t believe what he was doing.
She parted her legs a little more. She liked feeling his hands on her body, though it felt a little weird him snipping off her short curls.
“We’re going to make a mess out here,” she said, standing up. He looked up at her, and nodded, and they moved to the bathroom where she could sit down on the edge of the bath, and he could spread shaving foam over her public hair before running a very sharp razor over her soft brown thatch.
He was gentle, careful. Dedicated.
“I could have done this myself,” she said, but she liked his hands all over her, stretching her flesh this way and that to make the skin taut for the razor.
“But this way, I get to see you before you go,” he grinned. “Before Renee gets you.”
That made her catch her breath somewhat. “Are you… serious?”
She looked at him, and he seemed to be. Shaving her pussy for somebody else’s benefit.
“You said she likes it this way.”
“We’re really… doing this?” she asked again, stunned.
“What goes on tour stays on tour, right?” he grinned. “Except… when your husband gets to find out…”
Then he was spreading lotion all over her shaven pussy, holding up a little hand mirror to see it, all bald and bare and pink like one of those porn stars. He slid his finger inside her and she was almost coming before he’d even had a chance to bury his face between her thighs. Then when he started working her with his tongue…
“Renee’s going to love this,” he said, gazing up at her killer body, seeing just how hard her nipples were now.
“You’re… crazy…” Kat moaned.
“You’re going to be away for a while,” he pointed out. “And while you’re away you’re going to be performing virtually non-stop…”
“I can take care of myself,” she insisted.
“You can,” he said. “I’m just saying you don’t need to.”
They showered, and went to bed, and she was on her back with his face between her thighs, licking her soaking pussy as he told her he wanted her to fuck whoever she wanted on tour, male or female. She could hardly believe it had come to this, that her husband was really giving her a break from the traditional confines of marriage.
“You are going to come out and see me, though. Aren’t you?”
He smiled up at her. “Every other week,” he said. “I’ll be there.”
She stroked his hair, worried about the toll all that travel would take on him. “You’ll be constantly on planes,” she said. “And if the first leg is successful, the full tour will be seriously long, honey.”
“It’ll be worth it, huh?” he said, climbing onto her, sliding his hard cock inside her dripping wet sex.
“And we’ll see each other on FaceTime, right?” she said, lifting her feet up to his shoulders. “I’ll call you every night.”
“Call me when you can,” he said, leaning down to touch the tip of his nose against hers as he thrust his stiff shaft inside her. God, he felt massive. “If you have to wait until after a certain… groupie… has left your bed… so be it…”
It was just so hard to believe he was so willing to raise the subject of her infidelity. And yet here he was, and it see
med to make his big, hard cock throb inside her.
“You’re going to get jealous,” she warned him.
“No, not at all.”
“Maybe not now. But later, when I’m gone. When you start thinking that every moment I’m not on stage I could be…”
“I’d hope you would be…”
“Taking some guy from another band into my bed… or maybe a fan…”
“Now you’re talking,” he grunted, and she couldn’t believe how much he was stretching her inside. It just felt incredible, his gorgeous cock rubbing up against every single sensitive part within her pussy.
“You’ll be at home all on your own,” she said, “Thinking about me riding some beefy guy’s big cock on the tour bus…”
“Uh-huh, baby.”
He turned her over onto all fours, and she willingly allowed him to manhandle her until he was ready to slide straight back into her pussy, this time from behind, holding onto her hips as he pounded into her.
“You’re sure… about this… honey?” she asked him in between panting, in between gasping for air.
“Of course.”
“I’ll be… cheating on you…”
Just there—he left his cock inside her for a moment, and she felt it throbbing.
“It won’t… be cheating… honey…”
“It will… I’ll be cheating on you… taking some other guy’s… big… cock… inside me…”
He didn’t last long. It almost amused her how quickly she got him all riled up and ready to explode, just by using certain trigger words. Cheating. Fucking. Cock. Pussy. Only, it turned out that saying words like that riled her up, too. Got her going.
She was riding him, cowgirl-style, and every time she glanced down at herself, she saw her bare sex, and it reminded her that her husband had shaved her, had removed every hint of hair from around her pussy, with the expressed purpose of preparing her for someone else’s sexual enjoyment.
She glanced down and told him how she was going to cheat on him, how her bare sex was the living proof that he was letting her go off and do exactly that. Man or woman, she had the freedom to choose.
And, she thought, if he gets this hard every time she told him about her infidelity… wow. Just, wow.