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Madeleine Plays (A Wife-Watching Romance): Book Two of the Madeleine Trilogy Page 21

  She said, “You promise you won’t be angry with me…”

  With that, she sucked him back into her mouth, as though offering him a reward if only he was calm about whatever she had to say—or perhaps suggesting that if he was going to get angry with her, he wouldn’t get any more of this.

  “Of course not.”

  She glanced to the side, to the windows, as though it might give her strength, though there was nothing to see with the blinds closed.

  “When I told you about my evening with that guy in the W last weekend…” she said.


  “It wasn’t strictly true.”

  “What wasn’t strictly true?”

  “Any of it.”


  He paused, as though mulling over what she’d said, but also milking the suspense for all it was worth. He wasn’t going to make her truly suffer, but she needed to know the seriousness of her continual lying to him. Oh, who was he kidding, it was fun to tease her a little.

  Eventually, he said, “So you never slept with anyone that night?”

  “Only you. It’s only ever been you.”

  “And only ever will be?”

  She massaged his hardness, gazing at him with a dangerous look in her eyes. “Do you want it to be?” she asked. “Honestly, when all is said and done, would you rather I said to you I don’t need any other man, just you? Say that you’ve offered me the temptation, and I’ve decided you are far more than I’d ever need?”

  “No,” he said simply, and brushed her hair gently out of her face. “I’d like to think you don’t need any other man, and you’ll only ever love me with all your heart for the rest of our lives… but…”

  “But?” she kissed the tip of his cock, held it in her warm mouth, feeling it inside her.

  “Even if you don’t need them, I like that you want other guys. I like the danger, the thrill of you experiencing other people—as long as you come back to me afterward. I like knowing that you’re an incredible sexual being, and I’m not in any way holding you back. But I want to share in your experiences, somehow—even if it’s not firsthand observation.”

  She sank on him, moaning herself as she fucked him with her face, as though his penetration was giving her sexual pleasure.

  When she came up, gasping for air, it was as though she’d been underwater for long minutes.

  She said, “Are you angry with me? For making you think it really happened back there in that hotel?”

  He propped himself up on his elbows. “Not at all—it was a wild night, how could I complain? I’d do it again a hundred times if you wanted to, though I wonder if I might start assuming it’s deception if it keeps happening.”

  She smiled. “So I guess the next time it has to be real. Can’t be deception.”

  He pulled her up from between his legs, buzzed at how hard her nipples were, how beautiful her naked curves were in the horizontal lines of the light filtered through the blind.

  He pulled her down on the bed beside him, sucked her breasts into his hungry mouth, drew out a low moan from her that was almost a growl.

  “You want to do it for real this time,” he said, feeling a beast growing inside him, a Mr. Hyde to his normal Dr. Jekyll.

  “I don’t just want to go out and sleep with someone random,” she said as he spread his hands all over her smooth body stretched out before him, in awe at her feminine form.


  She was smiling in the gloom as he manhandled her, turning her onto her front, brushing his face over the sweet contours of her behind, and somehow her joy at his unbridled lust for her brightened the whole room.

  She pushed her behind up, spreading her knees, urging him to have her beautifully wet pussy, which glistened in the faint streetlight.

  “I want to find someone special,” she said. “Maybe go on a few dates, find out if he’s worth being the man I break my wedding vows for.”

  Hugo couldn’t resist her offer, pushing himself between her thighs, burying his face in her tender folds, tasting her tangy juices, sucking her hot pussy lips into his eager mouth.

  “I’d like that,” he said. “Whoever he is, he has to be worthy of you.”

  She was smiling, slightly tipsy, but not merely from the alcohol, it seemed. She was drunk in the whole idea of being given free rein by her beloved husband to go out and start dating—and find some gorgeous hunk to fuck her senseless before returning home to her Hugo.

  “We’re really doing this?” she asked him, in disbelief despite the long process of preparing for this step.

  “We’re really doing this.”

  She bit her lip, forcing her head down into the bedclothes as he lapped at her delicious nectar, his hand seeming to support her body by her mound as he massaged her clit while feasting on her.

  “Tell me,” she said as he now reached under her hips, clasped hold of her waist with both hands to force her pussy hard against his mouth. “Tell me what you want most of all.”

  He said, “What I want most of all?”

  Then he was kneeling up behind her, pushing her knees even further apart, guiding his massively hard cock to her tight pussy, and thrust forward, forcing an ecstatic cry from her as he penetrated her.

  “What I want,” he said, “is to see you have an affair.”

  Chapter One from Madeleine Strays (Book Three of the Madeleine Trilogy)

  It started on a Tuesday evening as the final month of the year arrived.

  Hugo returned home after work to find Madeleine sitting at the little dining table between the TV area of the living room and the window seat. They didn’t really use that table other than for holding a fruit bowl—most of the time eating meals on the sofa in front of the television. But here was Madeleine, having drawn out one of the chairs usually tucked tidily under the table, sitting there peering at the screen of her little MacBook.

  She didn’t even look up as her husband returned home from another hard day at the office, she was so absorbed.

  “Hey honey.”


  She was wearing her glasses, which she also didn’t usually do either unless she was tired—or down. In fact, Hugo realized that they hadn’t really made much of an appearance in New York, certainly ever since she’d gotten her job at the bookstore. She looked cute in them—bookish, which seemed appropriate given her profession—and the look was emphasized by a high ponytail that seemed to be a light-hearted touch for Madeleine, but to Hugo gave her a coquettish hint.

  “What are you up to?” he asked her quietly, dropping his briefcase by the front door.

  “Oh, nothing much. I found this website.”

  He took a few paces over toward the sofa, and now saw that Madeleine was wearing no pants. She sat in a white t-shirt, but after an initial moment where he thought she was naked, a couple of blinks confirmed that no, her shapely thighs were covered by pale pink leggings as she sat there, one hand subtly tucked between, the kind she’d wear to the gym.

  What was she doing?

  “What’s the site?”

  “It’s called Mary-Kay. It’s a dating site.”

  Hugo felt that oh-so-familiar flip-flop in his stomach, and a stirring between his legs. Dating site?

  She must have picked up on his pause, seeing it as a hesitation. She said defensively, “We did talk about trying a stranger?”

  Instantly he said, “Uh... Yeah... Of course.”

  Trying to reassure her, spike any possibility she might think he disapproved. But Jesus, he thought to himself. This was really happening?

  He approached her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders as he looked down at her screen, which was displaying a website designed tastefully in a lot of white with hints of pink and gray, which might have been an online florist or a wedding photographer’s site except that instead of floral bouquets or wedding packages for sale, the site seemed to be offering a whole load of different men for Madeleine’s perusal.

  Hugo felt that
familiar tingling pressure between his legs as his cock began to stiffen.

  “A dating site, huh?” he said, trying to sound calm, interested but not panicking, despite the canon fire going off inside his chest. “So these are all what, potential dates?”

  He gently massaged her shoulders and the back of her neck to underline his approval, his reassurance.

  “It’s a dating site especially for extra-marital affairs,” she said, and he saw her shuffle her thighs together as though trying to cope with her own arousal. “I was actually wondering if you felt like helping me pick someone.”

  Hugo’s eye casually tumbled through the headshots listed up on Madeleine’s screen. Shots of men that she might decide to ask out, to share an evening, a nice dinner and some drinks, a few numbers on the dance floor and a taxi home. Men she might go home with, strip for, take inside her until she was screaming out their name.

  “Sure,” he said, leaning down to kiss the side of her neck, breathing in a hint of her perfume, yet also detecting the subtle scent of her arousal in the air.

  As he kissed her, a glance down her top showed tempting cleavage bound in a sports bra, but somehow her nipples were just about visible through it.

  She must have been seriously turned on.

  Taking in the clues of her sports bra and leggings, he deduced: “You been to the gym this evening, honey?”

  She smiled, looked up at him. “Yeah,” she said with that naughty lilt in her voice. “You think that got me thinking about dating?”

  “Didn’t it? It’s been a while since we talked about maybe looking at this.”

  She laughed, “Okay, maybe I was there. Maybe it made me hurry back here instead of taking my usual swim.”

  He smiled, “And now you’re looking at lots of hot guys you might want to date?”

  “Something like that. You want to take this into the bedroom?”


  She got up, and Hugo nearly choked as he saw the damp patch between her thighs. This girl was seriously turned on.

  “Coming?” she asked him, walking straight past without apparently noticing that he’d seen just how wet she was already.

  Hugo felt as though he’d crossed over into some bizarre other world as he quietly followed Madeleine through to the bedroom, her laptop clutched under her arm.

  Were they really about to pick out a date for Madeleine, some lucky guy for her to seduce? It felt completely unreal. But here they were, Madeleine slumping down on her front on the mattress, opening her laptop to expose that dangerous website, which must have caused so much marital strife if it specialized in adulterous affairs.

  Hugo lay beside her, his arm over her shoulders, one leg slipping over her nearest thigh, so that he was almost spooning her as they both looked at the Internet browser and the list of potential dates.

  “So how far have you got?” he asked her, feeling things inside him churning and fluttering at the thought that his wife was using a dating site that sported the slogan “Enjoy life now—have an affair”.

  “Well, I registered for the site, as you can see. Had to create a profile to do that…”

  She clicked through to show him her page. The butterflies stirred in his chest as he viewed her details. She’d called herself ‘SexySiren31’, and included a headshot photograph Hugo didn’t recognize. When had she had that taken? Her eyes in the picture were blocked out by a black ellipse, but anyone viewing would be able to see how attractive she was.

  Some straightforward details about her age, location, gender, smoking habits, height and weight came alongside her photo, along with a category called “Seeking” under which she’d put short or long-term affair. Jesus.

  Then underneath that, there was a box which stated boldly: “Things I’m open to trying”. Hugo felt his manhood thicken up as he scanned through her suggestions. Setting aside the more nonthreatening answers like kissing, cuddling, and sensual massage, Madeleine had included certain things Hugo might have expected—conventional sex, like to give oral sex, likes to receive oral sex, experimenting with sex toys, even blindfolding and bondage, although those were something they hadn’t really experimented with.

  There were a few things that had perhaps been prompted by their recent games—likes to be watched, role playing of course, but also open to experimentation.

  But she’d also included a few things that made his eyes bulge. Curious about domination, curious about submission were there, as was threesome and anal sex, which was something they’d never done.

  “Threesome, huh?” he said to her, pressing his hardness against her thigh.

  She laughed, and wiggled her butt, which meant her body rubbing against his erect cock. “Don’t want them to think I’m boring,” she said.

  “So what comes next?” he asked her, squeezing her gently in his arms, pressing his face to her cheek to kiss her.

  “I search for my ideal man,” she said, clicking through to the search page.

  “And he is…” Hugo smiled, kissed her.

  “I don’t know… tall, dark and handsome?” she said. “Fit, tanned, impressive in bed?”

  “Sounds like there’s one of those across the street,” Hugo said, and saw Madeleine gently blush.

  “Well,” she said, “we’re not going there, are we? I think we’ll both feel safer with someone who doesn’t hang out at my bookstore on a regular basis.”

  Hugo felt a slight pressure inside his chest merely from the fact that Madeleine saw Connor as a danger. It made him wonder whether the younger man from across the way might tempt her into a little more than just a one night stand if she gave him the chance. Sure, that did scare him, but it also excited him.

  Madeleine put her requirements into the search boxes—tall, athletic, 25 to 50 years of age.

  “Fifty?” Hugo said. “You want somebody that old?”

  She smiled, said, “A little life experience—you know that could be sexy. A few gray hairs.”

  Hitting the search button brought up a list of potential suitors. Madeleine flicked down through the list to the ones with pictures, but nothing seemed to catch her interest. There seemed to be a lot of guys on this service who were reluctant to include their faces in their photos, using either cut-off pictures, ridiculous looking masks, or photos that kept their faces in the dark or otherwise obscured.

  “Do you really want to be with a guy who is already in a relationship?” Hugo asked her.

  “No, you’re right,” she said, clicking back to her search screen to un-tick the option for attached males. “Hadn’t really thought of that.”

  Again, the new search brought many profiles without a photo, and Madeleine skipped straight past them. On the next page of results, she scrolled down and actually found a youngish-looking guy from Queens, who had an easy-going kind of face, slightly wild overlong hair with a bit of a lazy quiff, and shades to slightly obscure his looks. He looked to Hugo a little like a Beat Poet, someone who might have hung out wit Kerouac or Ginsberg in the 50s.

  “How come these guys still block out their faces?” Hugo asked. “They’re all single…”

  “Fearful of vengeful husbands, I guess,” Madeleine laughed as she looked at her husband, who was the very antithesis of vengeful.

  The guy’s preferences box seemed to list most—if not all—the same tastes as Madeleine, Hugo noticed.

  His message was that he’d recently moved back to the area and was looking to meet up with new people, keep it simple with no strings. It made Hugo wonder why he was particularly interested in married or attached women—you didn’t use this website merely for dating single women.

  Madeleine hit the button add to favorites, and Hugo felt a little ripple of fear and excitement jaunt through his body.

  “Him, huh?” he asked her, giving her a squeeze.

  “Maybe,” she said, blushing again. “But I’ll keep looking at the options.”

  “You do that, honey.”

  Hugo could no longer lie idly by her si
de. As she scrolled through all the tall dark and handsome strangers listed on her screen, he peeled off her top, and began to massage her shoulders and her back. She moaned as he coaxed her muscles, and was clearly enjoying his treatment of her while she cast her eyes on various men that some day she might want to sleep with.

  When he reached for the bedside table to retrieve the small bottle of massage oil in there, he found she had already removed her sports bra.

  It was a joy to touch her, to feel her smooth skin, and have her respond to his touch.

  He massaged the muscles in her legs, and found himself sliding his face along her thighs, seeking out that wicked scent coming from her damp sex.

  “How about this one?” she asked as he touched her. He pulled one of her knees up so that her legs could part, giving him easier access to her pussy.

  “Looks good, honey,” he said. Her choices all seemed similar—showing a clear difference from her husband—yet a nobvious hint of Connor. Was she embracing the difference between these guys and himself? Did it matter?

  He loved that she was doing this—actually looking for the right man with whom to explore The Fantasy. But his focus was increasingly less on the stream of guys she was looking at, and more at the beautiful goddess lying under him.

  He dipped his nose between her thighs and inhaled her sexy scent, but unable to resist, he reached up to peel down her leggings, along with her drenched panties, and then while she shortlisted a handful of men she intended to send messages through the website, Hugo prized apart her legs, pushed up her hips and ducked down to taste her flaming hot pussy.

  She raised her own hips a little more as he ate her, her moans telling him all he needed to know about how he was making her feel while she played with her dating website.

  He couldn’t resist feasting on her while she was busy checking out an array of studs she might choose to fuck. It just seemed wrong on so many levels. He turned onto his back so he could slide under her for easier access, and she rested her pussy on his face while she continued with her website.

  She was so wet, and the way she was unable to keep from gently writhing as he tasted her tangy slit was so appealing to him.