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Rock Her World Page 18
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Page 18
“You’re coming to see me?” she asked him, suddenly worried that he might decide now she had Daryl in her life, he wasn’t needed.
“Of course,” he said. “I’ll be there really soon.”
“I can’t wait to see you.”
“Me neither. You’ll have to show me that new little trick of yours.”
“I… I don’t know… if I can…” So weird, what had happened. She was a grown woman, for God’s sake. Proceeding through her fourth decade. She should know her body from top to bottom, know exactly how it worked, how it responded, how it reacted. There shouldn’t be any new sexual discoveries left for her to stumble upon.
“We’ll see. Well, get some sleep, honey. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“I’ll keep you updated on my flight…”
And then she was on her own again, and she found she had just enough energy left to pull herself back on the mattress, wrap herself in a bed sheet and collapse on a pillow before the sleep claimed her.
What was it going to be like, sleeping with Daryl? A new man. A stranger.
How was it going to be between her and her husband?
Chapter Seventeen
Friday evening. Julian had an eight o’clock flight from Logan Airport, and with the rush hour traffic it was a struggle to make the flight after work. Thankfully he’d packed fairly light, expecting warm California weather over the long weekend, and on this occasion he’d opted for business seats, which meant he could go through the express line at security.
Unlike the usual business flight, which he sometimes took when head office demanded his presence, this time he was accompanied by the most wonderful undercurrent of excitement.
It wasn’t just that he was flying out to see his gorgeous wife after spending two weeks apart from her, although that was part of it. It wasn’t just the thought of fucking her after two weeks of intense rehearsals—and with the big night not far away at all—that must make her so insanely horny.
No, it was also the fact that she was dating a hot young drummer, and although the two of them had only got as far as making out on their dates, something more adult was close by. These were rock stars, after all. Rock stars didn’t keep their clothes on and quietly enjoy the conversational offerings of the opposite gender. They ripped off their clothes and fucked by the light of the moon.
“Can I get you something else to drink, sir?”
The flight attendant kept smiling at him in quite a flirtatious manner. It wasn’t a very full flight, and in particular there weren’t many people in the Business section, so he thought she had a little boredom to kill over the six-hour trip. As a younger man, he might have seen how far a little flirtation might take him in response—but something like this had never happened when he was a younger man. Frankly, he’d never been in Business when he was a younger man.
“Uh… sure. Just an orange juice, please.”
“A drop of Champagne in there, sir? Something stronger?”
“No, thank you, just the juice would be wonderful.”
A polite smile back at her, but Julian was remaining sober tonight. He was also keeping his eye closely on his phone, which thanks to his Business class seat was currently hooked up to the aircraft’s Wi-Fi connection, through which he was able to receive text messages.
Sitting there in his private little business class booth, he was even quietly stowing a semi between his legs, and still he was all but ignoring the flight attendant, despite the fact that she’d unfastened yet another one of her shirt buttons to put a little more cleavage on display.
Shortly after they’d settled at 35,000 feet, Kat’s text came in:
[Kat]: Going out with Daryl after rehearsal. Dinner, maybe more xx
Oh, he could have avoided reading anything into it. Maybe more. Maybe she was going to take him to bed, finally. Just before her husband turned up for a weekend visit. Julian kind of hoped so—after a couple of weeks of getting close to this guy, he was starting to worry that Kat might be entering the Friend Zone with Daryl. Maybe they wouldn’t end up connecting on a sexual level.
And yet Kat had such a sweet crush on him.
Julian liked the idea of being there in LA when Kat took the final step toward becoming a shared wife, and actually became consensually unfaithful. But at the same time he worried that it might not happen at all—and maybe if she was scared away from it once, she might be always too frightened of the risk factor to embrace the sexual freedom he was offering her.
He texted her back:
[Julian]: You nervous?
It wasn’t something he’d really asked her before, not when she’d spent time with Daryl before. Perhaps it reflected his own feelings just at that moment rather than the likelihood of hers. But, he also thought that if she did get the feeling they were headed for friendship territory, rather than bedmates territory, she would tell him she wasn’t nervous at all.
[Kat]: Uh… yeah!!
He felt his manhood stiffen a little. Had to adjust his position in the seat as the blonde flight attendant—Mary, according to her lapel badge—returned with his orange juice.
While he waited for Mary to scurry away again, Kat seemed to feel the need to explain her previous text:
[Kat]: I am going out with another guy who is not my husband ;-)
Julian smiled, and replied:
[Julian]: It’s not like you’re doing it behind my back.
It wasn’t as though he was a luddite, but he was so impressed how easy it seemed to communicate with his wife when he was 35,000 feet up and flying at 600 miles an hour.
[Kat]: No, but you have to admit it’s a little scary.
[Julian]: Why?
[Kat]: Because you might not like it after all, after it’s happened.
[Julian]: You really think that’s likely by now?
There was a pause, and Julian wondered if she was with him right now, if they were perhaps just about to head out to dinner somewhere.
[Julian]: Where are you right now? Just wondering…
As Kat’s silence continued, he actually started worrying that he was texting her too much, that she might find it difficult to conduct an actual date with such oversight.
But after ten minutes, she came back without seeming upset that he was firing off so many messages to her.
[Kat]: Just about to jump into a taxi to head to a nice seafood restaurant Daryl knows in Beverly Hills.
Then, after another moment:
[Kat]: You do know you’re the best husband in the whole world? Xxx
That made Julian smile again, and his cock throb a little. Wasn’t that part of this whole thing? The feeling that he was being generous to her, giving her a wild experience. He was living a little through her, vicariously, sure, that she was getting to live the excitement of dating all over again, and the thrill of a new sexual partner. But it was also the thrill that he was the cause of her excitement, and when another man made her feel good, it was really Julian making her feel good.
It wasn’t too strange a thing. Most men—those who weren’t completely narcissistic, anyway—gained pleasure in sex from making their partner satisfied. Sex was somewhat flat if your partner did not enjoy it as well as you did.
This was like making sure Kat was satisfied sexually, and then swooping in to enjoy her himself.
He sat there on the plane trying to think what a modest, and yet truthful reply might be. He could have just signed off and wished her well for her date—but he wanted to keep texting with her, and leave it to her to decide when she needed to stop and focus on her date. The best he could do was change the subject slightly:
[Julian]: You think you might be out with him late? Or you might need the room—because I can just get my own room when I get to the hotel
[Kat]: Josie’s banned us from late nights and dating before the first show—she wants total focus on the music—so it should be okay, honey :-)
[Julian]: Banned you from dating? That’s disappointing.
[Kat]: And sex. Can you believe it?
[Julian]: How does she define ‘sex’? Maybe you can get away with third base? ;-)
Once again, Kat didn’t reply immediately to that suggestive text of his—leading his paranoia to imagine all kinds of situations where he might have offended her. He just had to keep calm and realize that she was on a date with another guy now, she could hardly keep texting him non-stop.
Was she in the taxi with him now? Or in the restaurant?
Deep breath. Mouthful of orange juice. Maybe she had only been teasing him with the thought that something other than dinner might happen between the two of them. He felt the need to temper his expectations.
Then, at last,
[Kat]: In the restaurant, waiting for food. Seems like a nice place :-)
Julian texted her the question on his mind:
[Julian]: Does Daryl know you’re texting me right now?
Her reply came quickly:
[Kat]: Sure, he knows. He doesn’t mind—I can talk and text pretty much at the same time.
Julian wondered if she was just being nice, making him think it was okay for her to text him as much as she was doing. Maybe it wasn’t even for his benefit, but to help her deal with her nerves. Texting her husband seemed safe when she was out on a date with someone else in a manner that some might suggest risked her marriage.
[Julian]: He really doesn’t mind?
[Kat]: Really. He thinks it’s kind of cute I’m keeping you in the loop.
Julian scratched his head. The guy thought it was ‘kind of cute’? For a moment, he sat back in his comfortable Business seat and closed his eyes, trying to imagine how he might feel to be going out with a beautiful, married woman who had every intention of keeping her husband updated on her date.
He tried to imagine how he might have felt being younger, being in Daryl’s position.
Kat was undoubtedly attractive, much more attractive than most. A lot of guys would probably give their right arms to be able to sleep with her. But more than that—Kat was out on a first date, or at least an early date. Pre-sex date. She was nervous, excited, bubbly in her anticipation of possibly getting laid. It probably made her extra beautiful. And her excitement was possibly contagious.
Maybe it would be kind of hot that she’s sitting there across from you at a restaurant table texting her husband about potentially going to bed with you.
[Kat]: He says to tell you thank you for letting him date me ;-)
Julian felt a sudden burst of heat inside his chest, and his cock swelled inside his pants. God. He texted her back:
[Julian]: Thank him for me for taking such good care of you :-)
[Kat]: He says you’re welcome :-)
[Julian]: So do you think you two are going to try to flout Josie’s dating ban?
[Kat]: I don’t know. Josie’s pretty scary when you break her rules. Sorry… food’s here.
Julian smiled, and managed to hold himself back from touching the sizable bulge in his pants. The flight attendant, however, had been dealing with one of the two other people in Business Class and now glanced back at him, and he swore she saw the tent in his pants.
“Would you like something to eat, now, sir?” she said as she approached him.
He sat up and pulled the table over to conceal his anatomy. “Uh, sure.”
“Did you get a chance to look at the menu?”
He ate, feeling a sense that he might as well eat while Kat and Daryl ate. He wouldn’t be missing out on too much. The questions continued to swirl around his head—would the two of them do something that evening? Was Josie intending on maintaining her sex ban beyond the first show?
It was half an hour before Kat’s next text.
[Kat]: Daryl’s so nice, I think you’d like him if you met him.
[Julian]: Maybe I will some time over the weekend.
[Kat]: I can’t believe Josie imposed a sex ban on us.
[Julian]: Can’t you just get a room in another hotel?
[Kat]: Not with the media running around looking for us at the moment :-(
After pausing to allow Mary to remove his plate from dinner, Julian was about to text to suggest Kat sneak away to some unused part of the hotel—perhaps there was a conference center, but it was far too late for conferences. But Kat came back:
[Kat]: We’re back at the rehearsal studios, Daryl left his favorite drumsticks behind.
It seemed perfectly innocuous—so much so that Julian hardly gave it much thought as he fended off the flight attendant’s attempts to get him to order some kind of dessert.
[Kat]: Don’t laugh, but I’m so wet right now. Had to go to the restroom to sort it out.
Julian was certainly not laughing. He was suddenly peering closely at his phone while pulling a blanket over his lap to hide the signs of arousal down there.
He texted her back:
[Julian]: Any media staking out the rehearsal studios?
[Kat]: No, none. It’s too late. They think we’re all at the hotel. Studios are a little creepy this late. Daryl’s found his drumsticks. Don’t think we can stick around here long before Josie starts getting suspicious—she already tried calling me just now.
[Julian]: She won’t mind if you’re a little delayed because Daryl couldn’t find his drumsticks?
He felt his pulse racing—if Kat was so horny, and the two of them were alone in the rehearsal studios, surely it was an okay place for something fun to happen? It felt weird just to be suggesting it to her, though.
[Kat]: I might have to keep him from leaving for a few moments…
[Julian]: Have fun, honey xxx
[Kat]: I love you. Are you sure you’re okay with this?
[Julian]: Of course. And I love you too xxx
[Kat]: I don’t have to do anything with anyone if you won’t want me to.
[Julian]: I’m probably more excited than you are at the moment!
[Kat]: I can’t believe that! ;-)
[Julian]: Go get him xxx
And with that, there were no texts from Kat for a little while. Julian felt strangely light-headed, but in a good way. Elated, he would have said. The flight crew had turned down the lights in the plane to let those customers who wanted to sleep to get some shut-eye. Under his blanket, Julian quietly stroked himself, very gently, as he imagined what might be going on between Daryl and his wife in that rehearsal studio.
Was he taking her standing up, against a wall somewhere? Lying with her on a sound stage. Sitting while she bounced up and down on his lap?
Julian’s phone buzzed, and he lifted it up to find that Kat had not only texted him, but had texted him with a picture—a picture of a big, hard cock with her hands wrapped around it. He nearly came right there and then. They were unquestionably her hands wrapped around the cock in the picture. Kat hadn’t taken her wedding rings with her on tour, but Julian knew every inch of his wife.
Oh God…
Julian texted her:
[Julian]: He’s big, huh?
If he was honest, he really didn’t know what to say. He felt aroused like never before—like he’d attained some level of sexual energy that made him into some kind of master. And yet, he resisted whipping his own cock out right there in Business Class—even with the blanket concealing it.
A short while later, his phone buzzed again.
Another photo. Julian gasped.
This time, there was that same large fully-erect cock, but this time Kat’s lips were touching its tip, kissing it or just about to slide it inside her mouth. Wow. In the photo, you couldn’t see much of her face—only her mouth and a little of her jawline—but there was no way it could have been anyone else. And he recognized her shirt, too.
His wife was sucking on another man’s cock. Did this make her an adulteress? At what point did you call it adultery?
He glanced around the plane, even peered around the corner of his booth to catch a glimpse of people sitting back in economy plus. H
e felt strange, buzzing, feverish almost. His wife was cheating on him. His wife was having an affair. His wife was unfaithful. Could anyone else tell that about him?
For a moment he felt dizzy, even out of control. Like someone who had just jumped off a skyscraper and then moments later changed his mind about killing himself. No way to back out now.
It seemed like a major—and yet subtle—shift in his whole life.
And yet, there was no anger. He wasn’t really jealous. There was plenty of fear, but when he thought everything through once again, he started to calm down again, he started to come to terms with it. The arousal, the exhilaration started to rebound, to surpass the negative feelings.
Another picture came through.
This time, Kat’s lips were stretched around the man’s dick, he was inside her. Julian felt his own cock throbbing inside his pants, desperate for escape, but while he was so very excited, it was also shocking to him. It made his heart thump like bad dance music, and suddenly it seemed difficult to breathe, as though the oxygen was too diffuse in the air.
Wow, wow, wow.
It was only sucking a man’s cock, but it was so insanely powerful an image to him. He’d seen plenty of pornography in his time, and this just made everything else pale in comparison. It was like he’d only ever seen charcoal drawings of sex before, and now for the first time he was seeing full color, high-definition photography depicting it.
His wife. Katalina Dennis née Espinoza. Sucking a man’s cock, and it wasn’t her husband’s.
Here was another picture, this time of her licking that huge thing, its tip shiny with her saliva. Her hands were holding its base—it had to be Daryl taking the pictures for her. Jesus. He really was complicit.
And now, another picture. Her hand squeezed around his girth, just beneath the head of his cock. And… was that come? Dribbling out, a last trace of white cream.
[Julian]: Did you swallow, honey?
He wondered if she was even registering his text replies. Maybe Daryl was just firing off pictures, and sending them to her husband.